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Автор Тема: Epic Games have awarded the FOSS game manager Lutris with an Epic MegaGrant  (Прочитано 7705 раз)

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Оффлайн The Green Side

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The Lutris team announced yesterday [29-11-19] that Epic Games have now awarded them a sum of money from the Epic MegaGrants pot.

In the Patreon post, the Lutris team announced they've been awarded $25,000. While this might be quite a surprise to some, Tim Sweeney the CEO of Epic Games, did actually suggest they apply for it which we covered here back in April. To see it actually happen though, that's seriously awesome for the team building this free and open source game manager.

While it's a shame Epic Games have no current interest in officially supporting their store on Linux, at least this way the Lutris team has some extra funding towards getting it nicely running with Wine and their Lutris application.

Lutris has come a long way in a short time too. It's an extremely handy application, allowing you to sort through games gathered across multiple stores like Steam, GOG, Humble Store, plus Emulators and Wine/Proton for everything not available on Linux (like the Epic Store).
Debian 11, Debian 11 Server


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