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DraftSight no longer available on Linux
« : 15 Января 2020, 15:08:37 »
On Jan 2, 2020 DraftSight Linux discontinuation was announced. Consider libre free CAD programs that work on Linux, MacOS and Windows instead of DraftSight. DraftSight is a non-free program available for Windows only, and in the future for cloud.

To our Linux users: thank you for your support. As communicated in 2019, all free versions of DraftSight ended 12/31 including Linux Beta. We look forward to releasing a more flexible, scalable solution this year, DraftSight Cloud, enabling DraftSight on your browser. Stay tuned!
    — DraftSight (@DraftSight) January 2, 2020

3DS DraftSight has 2D and some 3D functionality. All no-cost DraftSight licenses were terminated on 31 DEC 2019.

DraftSight was provided at no cost from 2010-2019 for Windows, MacOS and Linux. DraftSight is natively compatible with AutoCAD DWG / DXF formats through R2018 (used by AutoCAD 2020).

Michael Hirsch, Ph.D.
Thunderobot G150-D2: Intel SkyLake Core i7-6700HQ 2.60GHz, 8Gb DDR4 2133 MHz, Intel HD530, NVidia GeForce GTX 960M 2Gb.  Ubuntu 16.04 64x [Unity], KUbuntu 18.04 64x.


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