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Автор Тема: Ubuntu Cinnamon is a brand new “remix” project  (Прочитано 7972 раз)

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Ubuntu Cinnamon is a brand new “remix” project
« : 10 Декабря 2019, 19:08:55 »

There’s a brand new spin of Ubuntu 19.10 that may interest you. Say hello to Ubuntu Cinnamon (or, as Michael Tunnell from This Week in Linux cleverly dubbed it, “CinnaBuntu”).

Ubuntu Cinnamon is a brand new “remix” project that incorporates the Cinnamon Desktop Environment into Ubuntu. It’s not an official “flavor” of Ubuntu, but the developers are hoping that — like Ubuntu Budgie and Ubuntu MATE before it — it’s welcomed by both the community and Canonical to eventually join the ranks of the official Ubuntu family.

Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix has a number of small differences from Linux Mint, but the largest is that it’s based on Ubuntu 19.10, whereas Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu 18.04 “LTS” (Long-Term Support).

Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix is an interesting project with a promising future, and for existing fans of the Cinnamon Desktop who love Ubuntu, this is probably a no-brainer. The developers are already working on multiple improvements for version 20.04 early next year, including a Welcome screen, GRUB and Plymouth themes, a slideshow presentation during installation, a tweaked application layout and more.

For now, you can check it out for yourself by downloading it here; it does support a Live Session so you can burn the 1.6GB ISO to a USB Stick and test drive it without having to install it directly.
Debian 11, Debian 11 Server


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