Опубліковано 18 квіт. 2015 р.
Create custom Debian kernel and kernel headers .deb packages:
Add debian testing repository to Synaptic, update your os to testing (specially xorg needs to update), get the tools fakeroot,make, gcc etc used here.
Download from kernel.org the kernel 4.4 and then type:
cd linux-4.4
make xconfig.
-Get rid of device drivers your kernel will not use, but leave agp and radeon direct rendering. In the processor settings set config to Desktop(voluntarely scheduling) and wait rate clock to 300Hz. If you are not using hdmi audio, disable that driver too. Linux has problems with audio when hdmi and analog drivers are present.
fakeroot make-kpkg clean
leafpad .config
fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image kernel_headers
-Install ../linux-image and ../linux-headers packages with dpkg -i
Download from Amd site linux driver and install AMD Crimson driver:
cd fglrx-15.302
./amd-driver-installer-15.302-x86.x86_64.run --extract
cd fglrx-install.xxxx
Extract and copy all .patch files to the fglrx-install directory from:
Apply each patch (except grsec_arch.patch) with command: patch -p1 _type_leftbracket_ xxxx.patch
(Optional: Copy and edit version.h: sudo cp /usr/include/linux/version.h /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include/linux/
(mkdir the destionation directory if that not exists)
Edit version.h to have:
#define LINUX_VERSION_CODE 0x40400
Boot to linux rescue mode of the new kernel as root.
cd /home/jessie//Downloads/fglrx-15.302/fglrx-install.Lv8blp
./ati-installer.sh 15.302 --install --force
Reboot and check that Amd settings are working correctly: check display resolution and device info. Faulty installation causes slow screen updates when moving windows.
If your Catalyst settings root mode is not working with Xfce, edit as root /usr/bin/amdxdg-su to have:
case "$DE" in kde) sudo_kde ;; gnome) su_gnome ;; xfce) su_gnome ;; generic) su_consolehelper ;; *) [ x"$user" = x"" ] && user=root exit_failure_operation_impossible "no graphical method available for invoking '$cmd' as '$user'" ;;