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Автор Тема: Samba + Windows 7  (Прочитано 56476 раз)

0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.

Оффлайн VinnyPooh

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Re: Samba + Windows 7
« Ответ #30 : 30 Апреля 2013, 15:26:19 »
Начать с того, что path = /var/www

по меньшей мере странный путь

Оффлайн AnrDaemon

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Re: Samba + Windows 7
« Ответ #31 : 30 Апреля 2013, 15:47:13 »
Начать с того, что path = /var/www

по меньшей мере странный путь
Я бы не сказал, что это странный путь. Но то, что он недонастроен - 100%

        path = /home/.w
        force group = +wwwdata
        read only = No
        create mask = 0770
        force create mode = 0660
        security mask = 0770
        directory mask = 02770
        force directory mode = 02770

У меня так.
Хотите получить помощь? Потрудитесь представить запрошенную информацию в полном объёме.

Прежде чем [Отправить], нажми [Просмотр] и прочти собственное сообщение. Сам-то понял, что написал?…

Оффлайн victor00000

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Re: Samba + Windows 7
« Ответ #32 : 30 Апреля 2013, 17:23:19 »
ишо надо пароль.
smbpasswd wwwdata
force user = wwwdata
force group = wwwdata
comment = WwwData
path = /var/www
valid users = wwwdata
guest ok = yes
read only = No
Wars ~.o

Оффлайн AnrDaemon

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Re: Samba + Windows 7
« Ответ #33 : 30 Апреля 2013, 18:23:08 »
Кто-нибудь, забаньте уже этого идиота... Пожалуйста...
« Последнее редактирование: 30 Апреля 2013, 18:25:51 от AnrDaemon »
Хотите получить помощь? Потрудитесь представить запрошенную информацию в полном объёме.

Прежде чем [Отправить], нажми [Просмотр] и прочти собственное сообщение. Сам-то понял, что написал?…

Оффлайн victor00000

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Re: Samba + Windows 7
« Ответ #34 : 30 Апреля 2013, 18:26:37 »
(Нажмите, чтобы показать/скрыть)
Wars ~.o

Оффлайн Игорь М

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Re: Samba + Windows 7
« Ответ #35 : 11 Мая 2013, 09:25:15 »
Парни, привет! У меня та же проблемма. Имеется: машина с Xubuntu 12.04; машина с семеркой домашняя расширенная. Системы друг драга видят, а доступа нет ни туда, ни обратно.Вывод testpram:
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
rlimit_max: increasing rlimit_max (1024) to minimum Windows limit (16384)
Processing section "[printers]"
Processing section "[print$]"
Processing section "[DATA]"
Loaded services file OK.
   dos charset = CP850
   unix charset = UTF-8
   display charset = LOCALE
   workgroup = WORKGROUP
   realm =
   netbios name = IGORMAZ-DESKTOP
   netbios aliases =
   netbios scope =
   server string = igormazsrv
   interfaces =
   bind interfaces only = No
   security = USER
   auth methods =
   encrypt passwords = Yes
   client schannel = Auto
   server schannel = Auto
   allow trusted domains = Yes
   map to guest = Bad User
   null passwords = No
   obey pam restrictions = Yes
   password server = *
   smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
   private dir = /etc/samba
   passdb backend = tdbsam
   algorithmic rid base = 1000
   root directory =
   guest account = nobody
   enable privileges = Yes
   pam password change = Yes
   passwd program = smbpasswd %u
   passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .
   passwd chat debug = No
   passwd chat timeout = 2
   check password script =
   username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
   password level = 0
   username level = 0
   unix password sync = Yes
   restrict anonymous = 0
   lanman auth = No
   ntlm auth = Yes
   client NTLMv2 auth = Yes
   client lanman auth = No
   client plaintext auth = No
   client use spnego principal = No
   send spnego principal = No
   preload modules =
   dedicated keytab file =
   kerberos method = default
   map untrusted to domain = No
   log level = 2
   syslog = 0
   syslog only = No
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
   max log size = 1000
   debug timestamp = Yes
   debug prefix timestamp = No
   debug hires timestamp = Yes
   debug pid = No
   debug uid = No
   debug class = No
   enable core files = Yes
   smb ports = 445 139
   large readwrite = Yes
   max protocol = NT1
   min protocol = CORE
   min receivefile size = 0
   read raw = Yes
   write raw = Yes
   disable netbios = No
   reset on zero vc = No
   log writeable files on exit = No
   acl compatibility = auto
   defer sharing violations = Yes
   nt pipe support = Yes
   nt status support = Yes
   announce version = 4.9
   announce as = NT
   max mux = 50
   max xmit = 16644
   name resolve order = lmhosts wins host bcast
   max ttl = 259200
   max wins ttl = 518400
   min wins ttl = 21600
   time server = No
   unix extensions = Yes
   use spnego = Yes
   client signing = auto
   server signing = No
   client use spnego = Yes
   client ldap sasl wrapping = plain
   enable asu support = No
   svcctl list =
   deadtime = 0
   getwd cache = Yes
   keepalive = 300
   lpq cache time = 30
   max smbd processes = 0
   paranoid server security = Yes
   max disk size = 0
   max open files = 16384
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY
   use mmap = Yes
   hostname lookups = No
   name cache timeout = 660
   ctdbd socket =
   cluster addresses =
   clustering = No
   ctdb timeout = 0
   ctdb locktime warn threshold = 0
   smb2 max read = 65536
   smb2 max write = 65536
   smb2 max trans = 65536
   smb2 max credits = 8192
   load printers = Yes
   printcap cache time = 750
   printcap name =
   cups server =
   cups encrypt = No
   cups connection timeout = 30
   iprint server =
   disable spoolss = No
   addport command =
   enumports command =
   addprinter command =
   deleteprinter command =
   show add printer wizard = Yes
   os2 driver map =
   mangling method = hash2
   mangle prefix = 1
   max stat cache size = 256
   stat cache = Yes
   machine password timeout = 604800
   add user script =
   rename user script =
   delete user script =
   add group script =
   delete group script =
   add user to group script =
   delete user from group script =
   set primary group script =
   add machine script =
   shutdown script =
   abort shutdown script =
   username map script =
   username map cache time = 0
   logon script =
   logon path = \\%N\%U\profile
   logon drive =
   logon home = \\%N\%U
   domain logons = No
   init logon delayed hosts =
   init logon delay = 100
   os level = 20
   lm announce = Auto
   lm interval = 60
   preferred master = No
   local master = Yes
   domain master = Auto
   browse list = Yes
   enhanced browsing = Yes
   dns proxy = Yes
   wins proxy = No
   wins server =
   wins support = Yes
   wins hook =
   kernel oplocks = Yes
   lock spin time = 200
   oplock break wait time = 0
   ldap admin dn =
   ldap delete dn = No
   ldap group suffix =
   ldap idmap suffix =
   ldap machine suffix =
   ldap passwd sync = no
   ldap replication sleep = 1000
   ldap suffix =
   ldap ssl = start tls
   ldap ssl ads = No
   ldap deref = auto
   ldap follow referral = Auto
   ldap timeout = 15
   ldap connection timeout = 2
   ldap page size = 1024
   ldap user suffix =
   ldap debug level = 0
   ldap debug threshold = 10
   eventlog list =
   add share command =
   change share command =
   delete share command =
   preload =
   lock directory = /var/run/samba
   state directory = /var/lib/samba
   cache directory = /var/cache/samba
   pid directory = /var/run/samba
   utmp directory =
   wtmp directory =
   utmp = No
   default service = global
   message command =
   get quota command =
   set quota command =
   remote announce =
   remote browse sync =
   socket address =
   nmbd bind explicit broadcast = Yes
   homedir map = auto.home
   afs username map =
   afs token lifetime = 604800
   log nt token command =
   time offset = 0
   NIS homedir = No
   registry shares = No
   usershare allow guests = Yes
   usershare max shares = 100
   usershare owner only = Yes
   usershare path = /var/lib/samba/usershares
   usershare prefix allow list =
   usershare prefix deny list =
   usershare template share =
   allow insecure wide links = No
   async smb echo handler = No
   multicast dns register = Yes
   panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
   perfcount module =
   host msdfs = Yes
   passdb expand explicit = No
   idmap backend = tdb
   idmap cache time = 604800
   idmap negative cache time = 120
   idmap uid =
   idmap gid =
   template homedir = /home/%D/%U
   template shell = /bin/false
   winbind separator = \
   winbind cache time = 300
   winbind reconnect delay = 30
   winbind max clients = 200
   winbind enum users = No
   winbind enum groups = No
   winbind use default domain = No
   winbind trusted domains only = No
   winbind nested groups = Yes
   winbind expand groups = 1
   winbind nss info = template
   winbind refresh tickets = No
   winbind offline logon = No
   winbind normalize names = No
   winbind rpc only = No
   create krb5 conf = Yes
   ncalrpc dir = /var/ncalrpc
   winbind max domain connections = 1
   idmap config * : backend = tdb
   comment =
   path =
   username =
   invalid users =
   valid users =
   admin users =
   read list =
   write list =
   printer admin =
   force user =
   force group =
   read only = Yes
   acl check permissions = Yes
   acl group control = No
   acl map full control = Yes
   create mask = 0744
   force create mode = 00
   security mask = 0777
   force security mode = 00
   directory mask = 0755
   force directory mode = 00
   directory security mask = 0777
   force directory security mode = 00
   force unknown acl user = No
   inherit permissions = No
   inherit acls = No
   inherit owner = No
   guest only = No
   administrative share = No
   guest ok = No
   only user = No
   hosts allow =
   hosts deny =
   allocation roundup size = 1048576
   aio read size = 0
   aio write size = 0
   aio write behind =
   ea support = No
   nt acl support = Yes
   profile acls = No
   map acl inherit = No
   afs share = No
   smb encrypt = auto
   block size = 1024
   change notify = Yes
   directory name cache size = 100
   kernel change notify = Yes
   max connections = 0
   min print space = 0
   strict allocate = No
   strict sync = No
   sync always = No
   use sendfile = No
   write cache size = 0
   max reported print jobs = 0
   max print jobs = 1000
   printable = No
   print notify backchannel = Yes
   print ok = No
   printing = cups
   cups options =
   print command =
   lpq command = %p
   lprm command =
   lppause command =
   lpresume command =
   queuepause command =
   queueresume command =
   printer name =
   use client driver = No
   default devmode = Yes
   force printername = No
   printjob username = %U
   default case = lower
   case sensitive = Auto
   preserve case = Yes
   short preserve case = Yes
   mangling char = ~
   hide dot files = Yes
   hide special files = No
   hide unreadable = No
   hide unwriteable files = No
   delete veto files = No
   veto files =
   hide files =
   veto oplock files =
   map archive = Yes
   map hidden = No
   map system = No
   map readonly = yes
   mangled names = Yes
   store dos attributes = No
   dmapi support = No
   browseable = Yes
   access based share enum = No
   blocking locks = Yes
   csc policy = manual
   fake oplocks = No
   locking = Yes
   oplocks = Yes
   level2 oplocks = Yes
   oplock contention limit = 2
   posix locking = Yes
   strict locking = Auto
   share modes = Yes
   dfree cache time = 0
   dfree command =
   copy =
   preexec =
   preexec close = No
   postexec =
   root preexec =
   root preexec close = No
   root postexec =
   available = Yes
   volume =
   fstype = NTFS
   set directory = No
   wide links = No
   follow symlinks = Yes
   dont descend =
   magic script =
   magic output =
   delete readonly = No
   dos filemode = No
   dos filetimes = Yes
   dos filetime resolution = No
   fake directory create times = No
   vfs objects =
   msdfs root = No
   msdfs proxy =

   comment = All Printers
   path = /var/spool/samba
   create mask = 0700
   printable = Yes
   print ok = Yes
   browseable = No

   comment = Printer Drivers
   path = /var/lib/samba/printers

   path = /media/DATA
   read only = No
   create mask = 0757
   directory mask = 0757
   guest ok = Yes
Где ошибка и где порыться?

Оффлайн victor00000

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Re: Samba + Windows 7
« Ответ #36 : 11 Мая 2013, 15:06:41 »
нету ошибка, хорошо нормально.
Wars ~.o


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