Подниму тему.
Надо установить рекомендуемые паковщики (и другие, если надо)
This is a list of the package names that Debian/Ubuntu/Kubuntu 16.04 use, other Linux
distros will probably use similar names:
- arj archiver for .arj files
- ark archive utility by KDE
- bzip2 high-quality block-sorting file compressor - utilities
- cpio GNU cpio -- a program to manage archives of files
- kate Powerful Text Editor
- kde-cli-tools tools required to edit file types from Properties dialog
or run Krusader in root mode
- keditbookmarks Bookmark manager used for editing bookmarks
- kio-extras Enables transparent handling of various archive types
such as .tar and network protocols like SFTP
- kmail KDE Email client
- kdiff3 compares and merges 2 or 3 files or directories
(at moment of writing: no version available)
or kompare file difference viewer
or xxdiff a graphical file and directories comparison and merge tool
- konsole X terminal emulator
- krename Powerful batch renamer by KDE
- lhasa lzh archiver
- md5deep enhanced message digest calculator
or cfv versatile file checksum creator and verifier
- p7zip 7zr file archiver with high compression ratio
- rpm Red Hat package manager
- unace extract, test and view .ace archives
- unrar Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
or unrar-free Unarchiver for .rar files
or rar Archiver for .rar files
- unzip De-archiver for .zip files
- zip Archiver for .zip files
В 18.04 не KDE окружениях (у меня Lxde) установить :
Для редактирования - редактор Kate
Чтобы работал Viewer - браузер Konqueror.
Для правильного отображения иконок(кнопок) - breeze
и дополнительно установить последнюю версию Krusader (2.7.01), в
данный момент можно из deb пакета Ubuntu 18.10 (cosmic)
Для root режима еще надо kde-cli-tools