sudo apt-get install wmnut
sam@sam-desktop:~$ wmnut
WindowMaker dock app that displays UPS statistics from NUT's upsd
WMNUT monitors UPS statistics through the NUT (Network UPS Tools, framework on Linux and other systems. This
information, presented in a nice visual format, can be invaluable on stations
using an UPS.
но на первый взгляд "отстой".
sudo apt-get install knutclient
sam@sam-desktop:~$ knutclient
этот получше будет.
sudo apt-get install nut-cgi
A web interface sub system for the nut - Network UPS Tools
nut is a client/server uninterruptible power supply (UPS) monitoring system
that permits the sharing of one (or more) UPS between several machines. The
'server' monitors the UPS and notifies the 'clients' when the UPS is on
or has a low battery.
не понятно как через web интерфейс запустить.