обновился неделю назад с 20.04. LTS
А это читал?
"Upgrading to Ubuntu Studio 22.04.2 LTS
Note: Ubuntu Studio 22.04 only supported upgrades from 21.10, which has since reached end-of-life and upgrades from 21.10 may have already been shut-off by the time you read this. The following upgrade information is available for 20.04 LTS users for informational purposes only and may or may not work.
Due to the change in desktop environment, direct upgrades to Ubuntu Studio 22.04 LTS from versions prior to 21.10 are unsupported.
To upgrade, ensure the package ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt is installed, press Alt+Space to invoke Krunner, and type the following:
do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE
Alternatively, you can do this from the Konsole terminal:
do-release-upgrade -m desktop"
Это из первой ссылки в гугле на "ubuntu studio 22.04"