Странно. В таком случае - вернуть назад, как было - и попробовать
sudo apt-get --purge remove свой пакет.
Пользователь решил продолжить мысль 06 Мая 2010, 16:22:26:
А будет дальше ругаться на сбой status - то заюзать сей скрипт для генерации нового status, и подменить сбоящий
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# A script to build a new dpkg status file. Relies on an assumption
# that /usr/share/doc is intact, and that each subdir of that
# indicates an installed package.
# This script can be run as a non-root user and creates output files,
# in an unsecure fashion, in /tmp.
# Thanks to capink on ubuntuforums.org, and Karsten M. Self.
use strict;
use warnings;
my @installed_packages;
my %package_control_info; # By package, then by file.
my $new_status_file = "/tmp/new-status";
my $new_dpkg_selections_file = "/tmp/new-dpkg-selections";
## Here we populate @installed_packages by examining /usr/share/doc,
## as suggested by Karsten M. Self.
opendir DOC, "/usr/share/doc" or die "failed opening doc dir";
foreach ( grep { -d "/usr/share/doc/$_" } readdir( DOC )) {
next if ( m/^\./ );
next if ( m/[A-Z]/ );
next if ( $_ eq 'texmf' );
next if ( $_ eq 'debian' );
push @installed_packages, $_;
closedir DOC;
## Now we hash the contents of the control files.
my ($package, $control_file);
opendir LISTS, "/var/lib/apt/lists" or die "failed opening lists dir";
while (my $control_file = readdir( LISTS )) {
next unless ( -f "/var/lib/apt/lists/$control_file" );
next unless ( "/var/lib/apt/lists/$control_file" =~ m/_Packages$/ );
open CONTROL_FILE, "/var/lib/apt/lists/$control_file" or die "failed opening control file '$_'";
while (my $line = <CONTROL_FILE>) {
if ( $line =~ m/^(Package:\s)(.*$)/ ) {
my $package_name = $2;
push @{ $package_control_info{$package_name}->{$control_file} }, $line;
$line = <CONTROL_FILE>;
while ($line !~ m/^\s*$/ ) {
push @{ $package_control_info{$package_name}->{$control_file} }, $line;
$line = <CONTROL_FILE>;
closedir LISTS;
## Here we create the new status file by printing all the control info
## we have for all the installed packages, as suggested by 'capink' on
## ubuntuforums.org.
open NEW_STATUS_FILE, ">", $new_status_file or die "this sucks";
foreach my $package ( @installed_packages ) {
while (my ($control_file, $control_info_ref) = each( %{ $package_control_info{$package} } ) ) {
my @status_info;
foreach my $line ( @{ $control_info_ref } ) {
next if ( $line =~ m/^Filename:/ );
next if ( $line =~ m/^MD5sum:/ );
next if ( $line =~ m/^Size:/ );
next if ( $line =~ m/^SHA1:/ );
next if ( $line =~ m/^SHA256:/ );
push @status_info, $line;
if ( $line =~ m/^Package:/ ) {
push @status_info, "Status: install ok installed\n";
push @status_info, "\n";
print NEW_STATUS_FILE @status_info;
## Here we create a dpkg selections file containing a list of the
## packages we think are installed.
open NEW_SELECTIONS_FILE, ">", $new_dpkg_selections_file or die "this also sucks";
foreach my $line ( @installed_packages ) {
print NEW_SELECTIONS_FILE "$line install\n";
print "\n";
print "New status file created: '$new_status_file'.\n";
print "If it looks right, then: mv '$new_status_file' '/var/lib/dpkg/status'\n";
print "\n";
print "New dpkg selections file created: '$new_dpkg_selections_file'.\n";
print qq|run 'dpkg --get-selections < "$new_dpkg_selections_file"' to re-create deselect's selections.\n|;
print "\n";