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Автор Тема: Mustek 1200CP сканер под линуксом  (Прочитано 13373 раз)

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Оффлайн propellerOK

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Mustek 1200CP сканер под линуксом
« : 31 Января 2012, 14:23:01 »

  вот отсюда скачал то что должно называться драйвером но что с ним делать дальше не могу сообразить ((( сканер работает  через параллельный порт, система его не видит.

  вот чего в  "readme" написано  - 

 In this archive sane-backends-1.0.8-mustek-1.0 you will find five files

1. readme_english.txt
   this file.
2. readme_chinese.txt
   Chinese Version of this file.
3. sane-backends-1.0.8-mustek-1.0-1.i386.rpm
4. sane-backends-1.0.8-mustek-1.0-1.src.rpm
5. sane-backends-1.0.8-mustek-1.0.tar.gz

A. System Requirements

Operating system: Linux Kernel 2.4.18 or higher

If your OS kernel is older than this build, you may not scan perfectly or even successfully. To update your kernel, download the latest source code and related documentation from http://www.kernel.org/.

Please follow these two points when you're compiling the system kernel:

1. If your scanner is USB scanner,You should enable the USB and USB Scanner Support. We suggest you compile the USB Scanner Support as a part of the kernel. If the USB Scanner Support was compiled as a loadable module, you have to execute command insmod to mount Scanner.o to activate it. If you have difficulties upgrade your kernel properly, please refer to the documentation at http://www.kernel.org/.
2. If your scanner is USB scanner,after the kernel upgrade, please mount the USB file system. You can login root, and type "mount -t usbdevfs none /proc/bus/usb/." If you would like to mount the file system automatically, add "action "Mounting USB File System" mount -t usbdevfs none/proc/bus/usb" to your  etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit.

B. Installing the Driver

Please install sane-frontend-1.0.8 and Gimp before installing the scanner driver, so you can access the scanner from Gimp's "acquire" command. For detailed instructions on sane-frontend-1.0.8's installation,please visit http://www.mostang.com/sane/ ,For detailed instructions on  Gimp's installation, please visit http://www.gimp.org/.

Before driver installation, login root and type:

rpm -i sane-backends-1.0.8-mustek-1.0-1.i386.rpm

Trouble shooting

C. Using this Scanner with XWindow and Gimp

Please connect your scanner to your computer's USB port. Start the XWindow and execute Gimp. You can find the "Acquire Image" command in Gimp's Xtns menu. Select your scanner's model name. The scanning interface will pop up. Hit the scan button and scan.

Trouble shooting

Q: My scanner is not listed in "Acquire Image."
A: Check your scanner's physical connection. If it was not properly plugged, reconnect your scanner and select "Acquire Image" again.

Q: I don't see the "Acquire Image" menu item in Gimp.
A: It is likely that you installed Gimp in a directory other than the default one. Please type find /* | grep gimp | grep plug-ins. After Gimp's plug-in directory is located, type ln -fs /usr/local/bin/xscanimage [the directory you just located]/xscanimage.

Trouble Shooting

Q: The scanned color does not match the original.
A: Please close the scanner's lid to reduce light contamination.

Q: I want to set the scanner for root access only.
A: Please login root and change the permissions mode of the directory /dev/usb/scanner/. To make the scanner accessible for all, type chmod 777 /dev/usb/scanner. You can type man chmod for detailed instructions.

The scanner driver was built upon the SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) architecture. If you still can't scan successfully, you can visit SANE's web site (http://www.mostang.com/sane/) for detailed instructions.

D. Uninstall the Driver

Log in root, type rpm -e sane-backends-1.0.8-mustek.

E. About the scanners with parallel port interface
If your scanner is parallel port scanner,and if your scanner cannot work perfectly,maybe you should edit the /usr/local/etc/sane.d/mustek_pp.conf.You should specify the sensor type of your scanner,it have 2 possible value,"cis" or "ccd",if you don't know the sensor type of your scanner ,try it twice.

F. Installing the Driver's Source Code

You don't need to install the source code to scan. But if you want to look under the hood, or have the driver improved, you can modify our supplied source code. If the supplied executable doesn't run on your system, you can always recompile the source code to your needs.

Please login root, type rpm -i snae-backends-1.0.8-mustek-1.0-1.src.rpm to restore the source code. If you're using Red Hat Linux, you can locate the source code in the directory /user/src/RedHat/SOURCES/sane-backends-1.0.8-mustek-1.0.tar.gz. If you're using a different variety of Linux, you can locate the file using find /* | grep. After that, type tar zxvf sane-backends-1.0.8-mustek-1.0.tar.gz to uncompress this archive into a directory named sane-backends-1.0.8-mustek-1.0.

This driver software's source code and binary executable were distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, (GPL, http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html). You can freely modify this piece of software. You can also distribute your modified versions under the GPL terms.

G. Install the driver in other linux system
If your OS is not RetHat Linux,you can compile and install the driver with the file sane-backends-1.0.8-mustek-1.0.tar.gz.
« Последнее редактирование: 31 Января 2012, 15:02:55 от propellerdnk »
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Wars ~.o

Оффлайн propellerOK

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Re: Mustek 1200CP сканер под линуксом
« Ответ #2 : 31 Января 2012, 18:47:49 »

   там по англ  - я не понимаю , а переводчик не помог (
Люди читающие книги, управляют людьми смотрящими телевизор.

Оффлайн victor00000

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Re: Mustek 1200CP сканер под линуксом
« Ответ #3 : 31 Января 2012, 20:44:18 »
гугле перевод сайт
Wars ~.o

Оффлайн ZwS

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Re: Mustek 1200CP сканер под линуксом
« Ответ #4 : 31 Января 2012, 21:14:20 »
думаю перевод там почти не нужен
Dell Inspiron One 2330 | Intel+Radeon HD7650A | 8GB RAM | Ubuntu GNOME 17.10

Оффлайн propellerOK

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Re: Mustek 1200CP сканер под линуксом
« Ответ #5 : 01 Февраля 2012, 16:13:21 »
  Помогли "танцы с бубном"  тут  - http://itc.ua/forum/showthread.php?t=3288

  помогло выставление режима parallel port в SPP  в БИОСе
« Последнее редактирование: 01 Февраля 2012, 16:16:29 от propellerdnk »
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