To install the latest Imagick from PECL on an Ubuntu variant system, assuming your already have PHP5 and Apache2 installed, do the following.
You need your root password, have sudo privileges and be able to run commands from a shell (e.g via Konsole)
1. $ sudo aptitude install php-pear imagemagick php5-dev libmagick9-dev
2. do *not* install php5-imagick as you will install a later version from PECL
3. libmagick9-dev may install a whole load of dependencies. This package provides the Wand-config program and avoids the error on pecl install "configure: error: not found. Please provide a path to MagickWand-config or Wand-config program."
4. $ sudo pecl install Imagick
5. Hit enter to autodetect the "Imagemagick installation" prefix
You should see some compilation messages, noting any errors that stop the Imagick build.
When completed successfully, the following console message should appear
Build process completed successfully
Installing '/usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/'
install ok: channel://
Now for loading it when the web server starts/restarts
6. $ sudo kate /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/imagick.ini
7. enter and save
8. $ sudo apache2ctl configtest
9. $ sudo apache2ctl restart
* You can use any apt client e.g apt-get to install packages
* If you want beta Imagick then:
$ sudo pear config-set preferred_state beta
* You can now upgrade Imagick as new versions are made available in PECL the same way PEAR updates are handled.
Hope this helps some of you...
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