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Автор Тема: wine cannot find the ncurses library libncursesw.so.6  (Прочитано 4745 раз)

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wine cannot find the ncurses library libncursesw.so.6
« : 18 Сентября 2017, 12:19:59 »
на Ubuntu 16ой пишет wine cannot find the ncurses library libncursesw.so.6
а игра открывается в окошке 7х7 см
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Оффлайн victor00000

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Re: wine cannot find the ncurses library libncursesw.so.6
« Ответ #1 : 18 Сентября 2017, 12:42:03 »
sudo apt-get install libx32ncursesw6-dev
Wars ~.o

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Re: wine cannot find the ncurses library libncursesw.so.6
« Ответ #2 : 18 Сентября 2017, 14:33:17 »
sudo apt-get install libx32ncursesw6-dev

У себя из репозиторий я не нашол libx32ncursesw6-dev , есть только libx32ncursesw5

p   libx32asan0                                  - AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (x32)
p   libx32asan0:i386                             - AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (x32)
p   libx32asan0-dbg                              - AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (x32
p   libx32asan0-dbg:i386                         - AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (x32
p   libx32asan1                                  - AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (x32)
p   libx32asan1:i386                             - AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (x32)
p   libx32asan1-dbg                              - AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (x32
p   libx32asan1-dbg:i386                         - AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (x32
p   libx32asan2                                  - AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (x32)
p   libx32asan2:i386                             - AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (x32)
p   libx32asan2-dbg                              - AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (x32
p   libx32asan2-dbg:i386                         - AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (x32
p   libx32atomic1                                - support library providing __atomic built-in functions
p   libx32atomic1:i386                           - support library providing __atomic built-in functions
p   libx32atomic1-dbg                            - support library providing __atomic built-in functions
p   libx32atomic1-dbg:i386                       - support library providing __atomic built-in functions
p   libx32cilkrts5                               - Intel Cilk Plus language extensions (x32)
p   libx32cilkrts5:i386                          - Intel Cilk Plus language extensions (x32)
p   libx32cilkrts5-dbg                           - Intel Cilk Plus language extensions (x32 debug symbols
p   libx32cilkrts5-dbg:i386                      - Intel Cilk Plus language extensions (x32 debug symbols
p   libx32gcc-4.7-dev                            - GCC support library (x32 development files)
p   libx32gcc-4.7-dev:i386                       - GCC support library (x32 development files)
p   libx32gcc-4.8-dev                            - GCC support library (x32 development files)
p   libx32gcc-4.8-dev:i386                       - GCC support library (x32 development files)
p   libx32gcc-4.9-dev                            - GCC support library (x32 development files)
p   libx32gcc-4.9-dev:i386                       - GCC support library (x32 development files)
p   libx32gcc-5-dev                              - GCC support library (x32 development files)
p   libx32gcc-5-dev:i386                         - GCC support library (x32 development files)
p   libx32gcc1                                   - GCC support library (x32)
p   libx32gcc1:i386                              - GCC support library (x32)
p   libx32gcc1-dbg                               - GCC support library (debug symbols)
p   libx32gcc1-dbg:i386                          - GCC support library (debug symbols)
p   libx32gfortran-4.7-dev                       - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32 deve
p   libx32gfortran-4.7-dev:i386                  - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32 deve
p   libx32gfortran-4.8-dev                       - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32 deve
p   libx32gfortran-4.8-dev:i386                  - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32 deve
p   libx32gfortran-4.9-dev                       - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32 deve
p   libx32gfortran-4.9-dev:i386                  - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32 deve
p   libx32gfortran-5-dev                         - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32 deve
p   libx32gfortran-5-dev:i386                    - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32 deve
p   libx32gfortran3                              - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32)
p   libx32gfortran3:i386                         - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32)
p   libx32gfortran3-dbg                          - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32 debu
p   libx32gfortran3-dbg:i386                     - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32 debu
p   libx32go0                                    - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32)
p   libx32go0:i386                               - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32)
p   libx32go0-dbg                                - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32 debug sym
p   libx32go0-dbg:i386                           - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32 debug sym
p   libx32go4                                    - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32)
p   libx32go4:i386                               - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32)
p   libx32go4-dbg                                - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32 debug sym
p   libx32go4-dbg:i386                           - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32 debug sym
p   libx32go5                                    - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32)
p   libx32go5:i386                               - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32)
p   libx32go5-dbg                                - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32 debug sym
p   libx32go5-dbg:i386                           - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32 debug sym
p   libx32go7                                    - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32)
p   libx32go7:i386                               - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32)
p   libx32go7-dbg                                - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32 debug sym
p   libx32go7-dbg:i386                           - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32 debug sym
p   libx32go9                                    - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32)
p   libx32go9:i386                               - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32)
p   libx32go9-dbg                                - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32 debug sym
p   libx32go9-dbg:i386                           - Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32 debug sym
p   libx32gomp1                                  - GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (x32)
p   libx32gomp1:i386                             - GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (x32)
p   libx32gomp1-dbg                              - GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (x32 debug symbols)
p   libx32gomp1-dbg:i386                         - GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library (x32 debug symbols)
p   libx32itm1                                   - GNU Transactional Memory Library (x32)
p   libx32itm1:i386                              - GNU Transactional Memory Library (x32)
p   libx32itm1-dbg                               - GNU Transactional Memory Library (x32 debug symbols)
p   libx32itm1-dbg:i386                          - GNU Transactional Memory Library (x32 debug symbols)
p   libx32lsan0                                  - LeakSanitizer -- a memory leak detector (x32)
p   libx32lsan0-dbg                              - LeakSanitizer -- a memory leak detector (x32 debug sym
p   libx32ncurses5                               - shared libraries for terminal handling (x32)
p   libx32ncurses5:i386                          - shared libraries for terminal handling (x32)
p   libx32ncurses5-dev                           - developer's libraries for ncurses (x32)
p   libx32ncurses5-dev:i386                      - developer's libraries for ncurses (x32)
p   libx32ncursesw5                              - shared libraries for terminal handling (wide character
p   libx32ncursesw5:i386                         - shared libraries for terminal handling (wide character
p   libx32ncursesw5-dev                          - developer's libraries for ncursesw (x32)
p   libx32ncursesw5-dev:i386                     - developer's libraries for ncursesw (x32)
p   libx32objc-4.7-dev                           - Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (x32
p   libx32objc-4.7-dev:i386                      - Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (x32
p   libx32objc-4.8-dev                           - Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (x32
p   libx32objc-4.8-dev:i386                      - Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (x32
p   libx32objc-4.9-dev                           - Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (x32
p   libx32objc-4.9-dev:i386                      - Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (x32
p   libx32objc-5-dev                             - Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (x32
p   libx32objc-5-dev:i386                        - Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (x32
p   libx32objc4                                  - Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (x32)
p   libx32objc4:i386                             - Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (x32)
p   libx32objc4-dbg                              - Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (x32
p   libx32objc4-dbg:i386                         - Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (x32
p   libx32phobos-5-dev                           - Phobos D standard library (x32 development files)
p   libx32phobos-5-dev:i386                      - Phobos D standard library (x32 development files)
p   libx32quadmath0                              - GCC Quad-Precision Math Library (x32)
p   libx32quadmath0:i386                         - GCC Quad-Precision Math Library (x32)
p   libx32quadmath0-dbg                          - GCC Quad-Precision Math Library (x32 debug symbols)
p   libx32quadmath0-dbg:i386                     - GCC Quad-Precision Math Library (x32 debug symbols)
v   libx32readline-dev                           -
v   libx32readline-dev:i386                      -
p   libx32readline6                              - GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries
p   libx32readline6:i386                         - GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries
p   libx32readline6-dev                          - GNU readline and history libraries, development files
p   libx32readline6-dev:i386                     - GNU readline and history libraries, development files
p   libx32stdc++-4.8-dev                         - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
p   libx32stdc++-4.8-dev:i386                    - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
p   libx32stdc++-4.9-dev                         - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
p   libx32stdc++-4.9-dev:i386                    - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
p   libx32stdc++-5-dev                           - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
p   libx32stdc++-5-dev:i386                      - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
p   libx32stdc++6                                - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (x32)
p   libx32stdc++6:i386                           - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (x32)
p   libx32stdc++6-4.7-dbg                        - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
p   libx32stdc++6-4.7-dbg:i386                   - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
p   libx32stdc++6-4.7-dev                        - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
p   libx32stdc++6-4.7-dev:i386                   - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
p   libx32stdc++6-4.8-dbg                        - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
p   libx32stdc++6-4.8-dbg:i386                   - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
p   libx32stdc++6-4.9-dbg                        - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
p   libx32stdc++6-4.9-dbg:i386                   - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
p   libx32stdc++6-5-dbg                          - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
p   libx32stdc++6-5-dbg:i386                     - GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (debugging files)
p   libx32tinfo-dev                              - developer's library for the low-level terminfo library
p   libx32tinfo-dev:i386                         - developer's library for the low-level terminfo library
p   libx32tinfo5                                 - shared low-level terminfo library for terminal handlin
p   libx32tinfo5:i386                            - shared low-level terminfo library for terminal handlin
p   libx32ubsan0                                 - UBSan -- undefined behaviour sanitizer (x32)
p   libx32ubsan0:i386                            - UBSan -- undefined behaviour sanitizer (x32)
p   libx32ubsan0-dbg                             - UBSan -- undefined behaviour sanitizer (x32 debug symb
p   libx32ubsan0-dbg:i386                        - UBSan -- undefined behaviour sanitizer (x32 debug symb
v   libx32z-dev                                  -
v   libx32z-dev:i386                             -
p   libx32z1                                     - compression library - x32 runtime
p   libx32z1:i386                                - compression library - x32 runtime
p   libx32z1-dev                                 - compression library - x32 development
p   libx32z1-dev:i386                            - compression library - x32 development

Оффлайн victor00000

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Re: wine cannot find the ncurses library libncursesw.so.6
« Ответ #3 : 18 Сентября 2017, 14:46:59 »
Wars ~.o


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