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Автор Тема: Wallpaper engine on Steam  (Прочитано 2631 раз)

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Оффлайн G1gazo1d

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Wallpaper engine on Steam
« : 08 Мая 2020, 20:16:17 »
При запуске Wallpaper engine в Steam выбивает ошибку "Диспетчер рабочего стола отключен." linux kubuntu. Как исправить подскажите. Я новичек в Linux. Спасибо за внимание. Эта программа служит для замены обоев рабочего стола на анимацию.

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Re: Wallpaper engine on Steam
« Ответ #1 : 08 Мая 2020, 20:29:07 »
G1gazo1d, нашел в стиме ответ разработчика данного ПО:
Wallpaper Engine is currently only available on Windows and there are no immediate plans to support other platforms.

While we definitely understand that users want us to support more operating systems, it is really not a simple task. The core of Wallpaper Engine is a completely custom written software solution and the amount of work involved to fully port it to other platforms is enormous.

Some users might wonder how some games and applications have been seemingly easily ported to Mac and Linux by their developers: The answer to that is that these titles are based on widely used video game engines like Unity or Unreal Engine which do not require the individual developers to do anything significant to add support for more platforms. However, none of this applies when it comes to an end-user application like Wallpaper Engine - since it's an application which interacts closely with the operating system, it really needs to be tailored to each specific operating system to make it work properly. In the case of Linux, it goes even further and must be made to work with every popular display manager which differ significantly between distributions and partially even between releases of distributions.

While all of this would in theory be possible, the simple truth is that it's not economically viable to add support for Linux or Mac OS at this point. If you take look at the Steam hardware survey, you can see that only 0.9% of Steam users use some form of Linux at this time of writing. And again, this is split up even further into different distributions of Linux, mostly Ubuntu which comes in at a mere 0.3% of users.

As explained above, the time needed to port Wallpaper Engine to another operating system is immense and it will also increase the costs of on-going maintenance work significantly, while the possible user group benefiting of this is comparatively tiny. We would much rather focus our time and energy on improving the Windows version for over 96% of Steam users.

However, we are keeping a close eye on the official Steam statistics and if the situation on Steam changes we are definitely open to look into figuring out how we could support more platforms in the future if it becomes viable.
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Оффлайн G1gazo1d

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Re: Wallpaper engine on Steam
« Ответ #2 : 08 Мая 2020, 21:01:57 »
Спасибо конечно за такой ответ, но я видел как на Linux пользуются этим приложением в Youtube. Думал, что тут смогут мне с этим помочь.

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Re: Wallpaper engine on Steam
« Ответ #3 : 08 Мая 2020, 23:25:54 »
я видел как на Linux пользуются этим приложением
быть может, поделитесь ссылкой? Беглый гуглёж по теме дал это видео, из комментария к которому ясно, что это не совсем то (не применение сабжа к linux, а запуск альтернативы в kubuntu):
(Нажмите, чтобы показать/скрыть)

Пользователь добавил сообщение 08 Мая 2020, 23:27:12:
G1gazo1d, в данном случае, ИМХО, если разработчик говорит, что его программа работает только в windows - следует поверить ему на слово.
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Оффлайн G1gazo1d

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Re: Wallpaper engine on Steam
« Ответ #4 : 09 Мая 2020, 09:35:03 »
По моей не опытности и не внимательности к Linux не проверил всё достоверно и только потратил ваше время. Спасибо.


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