Порекомендовал автору nvclock добавить поддержку мобильных видеокарт:(сомневаюсь только что он этим займется, я вижу пока только одно направление - редактирование биоса, но для этого нужна 32битная windows, на 64битной NBtutor не пашет)
Of course i know potential risk of overcklocking, i did it on Vista and
XP before, my card has 400 mhz RAM/ 475 core and I have rised it to
450/600, and it gives about 3-8 fps more in games such as Crysis or
Unreal 3. Believe it is critical rising, sometimes rising of 5 fps will
be enogh for normal play. RiveTuner do this job perfectly, also has
possibility see any parameters in OSD while playing. I've noticed that
my card gives slowdown when it rich 105 C degrees.
On Linux I just want to make it for interest, I think it is possible,
but still not implemented yet. When playing on Linux such game as CoD4
core riches maximum 90 C. And I have about 15-25 fps in game, so it has
some more potential. I know how to overclock card permanently-I need
write new video-bios for card, NbTutor has such possibilities, but i'm
never do this before. Maybe u know such similar soft for Linux?
thanks for help, hope soon over clocking will be available and for Linux
also, for mobile cards.
P.S I has also laptop with 7300 Go card and I've raised clocks almost in
50% , i don't remember exactly, because laptop not with me, and it gives
incredible rise in performance. So cards' potential very deferent...